The Word of God

Reflection – Lectionary: 393

“Thus says the LORD: Put your house in order, for you are about to die; you shall not recover.” While it is true that none of us have much control over the exact time and date when we have to leave the earth and face Jesus face to face, we do have a remarkable amount of say and sway over how we leave and what impact we wish to have on our families and those we held dear in this life. The First Reading soberly reminds us as the Lord tried to remind King Hezekiah that now is the best time to place our house in order before it is too late. No one wants to think about the end and how overwhelming or frightening it might be. Still, it is clear from the wisdom of the Scriptures that facing our mortal departure helps us face the daily crosses that we must carry to make it to the Promised Land after our death. But how do we accomplish this in this life? Perhaps we could consider some very poignant and solid ways to be at least thinking about ways we can begin this type of life management.

“Jesus was going through a field of grain on the sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick the heads of grain and eat them.” As responsible people, we must be careful about managing our spending and especially how we take care of and feed those in our immediate family. This also means ensuring our finances are in order, having sufficient instructions about the event of catastrophic illness and the subsequent funeral plans, and making amends with family who may have been estranged or at odds. “You saved my life, O Lord; I shall not die.” Practice this daily: every morning is a gift ready to open, so thank God for that awesome gift. At the end of each day, count the good things and the happy memories and avoid becoming sad-faced about any regrets. Keep your house and life in order because you never know when Jesus, our special guest, will make His last appearance.

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” H. Jackson, Jr.

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